A few words about the Antifa movement

Lilith Petersons
2 min readMar 14, 2021
Antifascist Action Conference in 1932

Do you want to know more about this popular movement?(So read this…)

Part 1:

Since the first fascist stepped on the ground and opened his mouth to talk nonsense, an antifascist has moved to fight him. However, anti-fascism as a political movement emerged as resistance to American fascism.

Despite some differences among the anti-fascist members, they all had a common goal: to combat fascism by ANY NECESSARY MEANS (yes, this includes violence).

Today, anti-fascism has no leader, it is not a group of which you can become a member, it has no official website or uniform. ANTIFA is a decentralized movement, it is a political theory, a practice and ethics. Antifascism is not something that you ARE, but something that you DO.

It is very important to emphasize that the fight against fascism is not limited to the practice of anti-fascism. Throughout history, several other political movements, including outside the left, have taken a stand against fascist practices without necessarily identifying themselves as ANTIFA.

The anti-fascist struggle does not take place exclusively in demonstrations on the streets, just as fascism does not take place only in the actions of the State. Therefore, we can practice anti-fascism in other spheres of our lives.

For example, we can report posts and profiles of people who spread fascist discourse, we may not support companies that reproduce these speeches or support fascist states, we may not elect and campaign against fascist politicians and — most importantly — we can police ourselves not to reproduce fascist practices in our daily lives. Like racism and homophobia, our current capitalist society has strong roots in the various forms of fascism that we have already experienced and, therefore, we need to fight it daily…..

Part 2 is coming!



Lilith Petersons

United States citizen / Political analyst / Antifa Community Researcher